Hey, I'm Elena, or Leni if you prefer – either works for me. I live in Israel, in a lovely, quiet, and somewhat boring town called Kiryat Tivon.

Several years ago, as a young woman, right after IDF service, I started working at a bank. It was a cool job, especially after my failure as a waitress. I really enjoyed working with systems and quickly advanced through the branch's departments. My favorite part was filling out the efficiency suggestion form – I would fax requests and suggestions for improving system fields and pages to the development department.

While working, I started studying for a degree in Economics and Management at the Open University. Cause what else, since I was already in a bank?

Three years later, my branch manager arranged me a job at Makefet Insurance & Finance. I started in the operations department, but quickly promoted to the Actuarial department, where was paradise of Excel spreadsheets and data work. Tons of numbers, functions, and statistics. I loved it.

In 2009, my first child, Maya, was born. I went on maternity leave and never returned to Makefet. I thought I would stay at home and raise my children. One day, I sewed her some clothes, and less than a year later, I found myself managing a children's clothing brand named Machooka (Maya's nickname). I would watch her, observe her movements while playing, and create collections of comfortable and beautiful clothes that garnered endless compliments. It was enjoyable and challenging at the same time – being a full-time mom and a business manager.

Personal events and a change in my approach to consumption led me to close the business. I needed to rediscover myself. And then… I found digital design (UX/UI) and my world was never the same again. I found myself sucked into a universe of pixels, buttons, grids, menus, and other elements, listening to hours of podcasts about UX research and human factors. It is so fascinating, so profound, so exciting.

As I write these lines, I reflect on the journey I've been through and realize that I've always had a passion for UX/UI. My biggest wish today is to find a team that I can join, be useful for, and learn from through shared experience.